Muhabbet Geleneğini İhya Hasreti

Muhabbet Geleneğini İhya Hasreti

SEVGI VE BILGI KATILMIS SOHBETE “muhabbet” derler. Osmanli ceddimizin, sevgi, bilgi, sefkat, dostluk, paylasim gibi, bugün çogunu unuttugumuz kavramlardan olusan bir “muhabbet” gelenegi vardi. Eski kahvehaneler bile bu gelenege hizmet ederdi. 
Su deyis meshurdur: Gönül ne kahve ister, ne kahvehane Gönül sohbet ister, kahve bahane. Varliklariyla bugün bile övündügümüz Osmanlar, Orhanlar, Muradlar, Yildirimlar, Fatihler, Süleymanlar, Sinanlar, Barbaroslar, hep o “muhabbet” ekseninde yetismis degerlerdir. Çünkü muhabbetin hem insan ruhunu pisirip olgunlastirmak, hem de sevgi paylasimiyla yürekleri bütünlemek gibi özellikleri var.
Çocuklar dokuz-on yaslarindayken muhabbet sofrasina alinir, on dördüne bastiklarinda soru sorma hakki taninir, on dokuzundan sonra da görüs bildirmelerine müsaade edilirdi. Çocuklar aile ve toplum içinde kendilerini ifade etmeyi böylece ögrenirlerdi. 
Aile bireyleri birbirlerini muhabbet sofrasinda kesfeder, büyükler küçüklere deneyimlerini aktarirken küçükler büyüklerine kendi dünyalarini yansitirlar, zamanin kusaklar arasina girmesinden olusan dil farklarini giderirlerdi.
Muhabbet Gelenegini Ihya Hasreti
CHAT WITH LOVE AND KNOWLEDGE, they call it "chat". Our Ottoman ambition had a tradition of "conversation" consisting of concepts such as love, knowledge, compassion, friendship, sharing, many of which we forget today. Even the old coffeehouses served this tradition. The following saying is famous: 
Heart does not want coffee, neither coffeehouse, Gönül wants to talk, coffee is an excuse. Osmanlar, Orhans, Muradlar, Yildirimlar, Conquerors, Suleymanlar, Sinanlar, Barbaroslar, whose existence we are proud of even today, are values that have always been brought up on the axis of “love”. Because conversation has features such as cooking and maturing the human soul and integrating hearts with love sharing.
Children were taken to a conversation table when they were nine or ten years old, they were given the right to ask questions when they reached fourteen, and they were allowed to express their opinions after nineteen. This was how the children learned to express themselves in the family and community. 
Family members would discover each other at the table of conversation, while the adults convey their experiences to the little ones, the little ones reflected their worlds to the elders, and they resolved the language differences caused by the passing of time between generations.


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